IAmbition Technology

iAmbition Technology
Safeguarding health with technology

Using Artificial Intelligence of Things(AIoT) technologies, iAmbition provides an affordable alternative to elderly care. Our solutions provide around the clock vital signs monitoring and anomalies detection.


iAmbition Smart Care is revolutionising the way care is delivered with AIoT technology.

There is an unprecedented growth in the percentage of aging population all over the world. From 2000 to 2050, the percentage of the world’s population who is 60 years of age and older will approximately double from about 12% to 22% (from 605 million to 2 billion)

This rapidly aging demographics has a profound effect on society. Not only does the overwhelming number of elders make it difficult to provide care for each individual, it also leads to low social-health and productivity rates, especially among young working adults.

Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital

2021 GO SMART Award

Kaohsiung Municipal Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital deployed iAmbition Smart Care solution in September of 2021 and was awarded Global Organization of Smart Cities (GO SMART) Award.

As of today a total of 8 hospital, 200 rooms, 400 beds has adopted iAmbition Smart Care solution across Taiwan.

iAmbition Smart Care Solution

Risk Reduction, Safety Improvement, Vital Sign Monitoring

Risk Reduction

Risk Reduction

Safety Improvement

Safety Improvement

Vital Signs Monitoring

Vital Signs Monitoring

Observations after adopting iAmbition Smart Care

Kaohsiung Municipal Kai -Syuan Psychiatric Hospital did an internal review and found that ...

Fall Reduction

40% reduction when patient gets out of bed

Improved Efficiency

30% improvement in efficiency of healthcare workers

Response Time

More than twofold improvement in responding to incidents

Disputes Reduction

Reduce disputes arising from accidents among residents

Our Technologies

Devices with technology that makes us different

Time-Of-Flight LiDAR

Long range de-identified anomaly detection using AI

mmWave Radar

Non contact around the clock monitoring of vitals signs

AI image and video analytics

AI for a variety of situation analysis in real time

Management Center

Realtime dashboard and alerting system.


Frequently asked questions

Models used for hospital solutions

  • Body detection

  • Face detection Facial recognition

  • Human tracking

  • Human backbone detection

  • breathing detection

Models that not being used but can do

  • License plate reecognition

  • Parking space detection

  • Road detection

  • Object detection

  • Object tracking, Smoke & fire detection Heartbeat

  • ... More coming

Monitoring Dashboard & Alerting System

  • Whatsapp

  • Line

  • Computer

  • Others (Any gateway, devices and existing system 
can be intergrated)

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IAmbition Technology